The foundation every leader needs to lead with CONFIDENCE and IMPACT

So you’re a leader! Congrats!
But your work is only just starting and there’s plenty of it.

⏩ Motivating people
⏩ Managing their performance
⏩ Having difficult conversations about said performance
⏩ Keeping your head above the water when staff turnover is high or staff morale is low…

You get the picture. Being a leader is not exactly a breeze.

You’re facing a million challenges, all at once, and there’s no manual for how to tackle them all.

Except…there is...


The self-paced course that helps new managers and leaders working in small or medium sized businesses, who wouldn’t normally have access to leadership training or mentoring.

Is this for you though?

Let's see...

  • Do you dread giving your team members feedback? 
  • Do you fear your staff giving you feedback? 
  • Does your staff turnover seem high? 
  • Do you feel like the morale in your team is low? 
  • Are you struggling to find the right staff?
  • Do you take the stress of leading home with you every day?

Yes? Then the Leadership Essentials Programme, focused on the people side of leading, could really help you tackle those challenges.  

Just to be clear, if it’s an impressive diploma for your office decor you’re after, then this is NOT the programme for you. 

But if you’re after getting practical, actionable training to change how you lead and the impact you have, then you’re in the right place. 

The programme is distilled from over 25 years of working with leaders and their teams to really change the way they operate and the results they produce. And it’s backed by some serious hours of study and a few degrees so you’re getting both the practical approaches and the thinking behind them that help you develop your own approach. You’ll get tried and tested frameworks as well as up to date thinking on issues such as diversity, inclusion and unconscious bias. 

Here’s some of the topics we’ll cover:

  • Building your self awareness 
  • Building and sustaining trust in your team 
  • Communication skills 
  • Building your culture 
  • Understanding and managing difference 
  • Leadership vs. management 
  • Leading innovation 
  • Engaging your team with your goals 
  • Understanding your leadership style and how to leverage it
  • Managing performance 
  • Having difficult conversations 
  • Leading through change 
  • Building and motivating your team 

Leaders that have been trusting us

"After a day with Juliet, the team came away energised, the leaders felt uplifted, and the CEO felt more supported. Since then we ran follow up sessions and everyone has taken something away from it, and implemented it in their way. I can see how this one day was the perfect building block for the culture we’re trying to create."

Kellie Jansen,
HR Manager

"My new role gave me the chance to revisit my leadership skills with my new team, which was exactly what I wanted, but was keen to have support. Juliet has such great understanding of people and teams and complex leadership situations, and I felt really comfortable discussing these issues with her, which is actually really important. Having her as a sounding board has been so valuable, especially while navigating career transitions and growth."

Helen Lewis,
CEO Australian Holistic Management

"I really respect Juliet's sense of observation and the way she articulates insight. I was most interested in reconciliation strategies, but she has also taught me a lot about top down management, and that helped me secure new clients."

Dean Levick,
Director - Leadinveck Pty Ltd 

A look inside...

Understanding how you lead

Identifying how you tick with your team and how to use this to lead

Understanding your team

Understanding different styles and approaches in your team (and why some people are frustrating) and developing your plan to connect with your team

Communicating with your team

Understanding the power of questions, controlling conversations and mastering difficult conversations without stress.

Building the team culture you want

Identifying your values and how to develop the behaviours that will help your team deliver.

Motivating and influencing your team

Building your influence within and beyond your team

Leading your team through change

Change is a constant and you will build your plan to influence both hearts and minds in your team to bring people with you.

Bonus Modules

✔️ Dealing with imposter syndrome
✔️ The power of role modelling
✔️ Leading across generations
✔️ Building innovation in your team
✔️ Working with failure 

You get access to all modules immediately. You can go at your own pace, but I recommend taking it one week at a time, doing the exercises and using the workbooks to practice your new leadership skills as you learn about them.

Bonus Expert Support

You're not on your own. Bring your questions and challenges at the live monthly Q&A.  


✔️ 6 Modules to access at your own pace
✔️ Micro Lessons in each module
✔️ 2 live sessions per month including a Q&A and a monthly focus topic
✔️ A 45min one-on-one session with Juliet to identify your unique needs and how to make the absolute most of the programme

$947 +GST

Hi, I’m Juliet!

Over the past 20 years, I’ve been helping leaders and teams perform better.

How, you might ask?  

My specialisation is really in helping managers like you develop their self-awareness and their communication skills so they can build the team they need.  We cover things like building trust, having difficult conversations, attracting and keeping the right people and keeping the team motivated and connected so they can help you deliver what you need to do.  

Because that’s what’s really at the heart of organisations that thrive.  

Very often leaders become leaders because they are excellent at what they do. (Is that you too?)

Maybe you’re a fantastic children’s psychologist or have a brilliant entrepreneurial mind and you’re running the family business, and because of that, you now find yourself leading.

What an opportunity!

But when you don’t have the leadership skills (and how could you have them, because you were never taught them) that thrill can quickly turn into overwhelm, frustration or self-doubt. And that's no way to lead, at least not a sustainable one.

Equip yourself with the essentials skills to make your leadership experience rewarding for both you and your team.

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! We welcome both new and experienced managers and leaders. Our content is designed to provide valuable insights and learning opportunities for everyone, regardless of how long you've been in your role. There's always something new to learn and ways to grow.

Each modules contains a series of micro lessons so you can ‘binge watch’ the programme or you can cherry pick the lessons that address an immediate issue you are dealing with. Each module will take about 60 minutes to get through if you watch all the lessons. You will have worksheets to take notes and plan your next steps, which will take additional time.

When you sign up you get a 1:1 session with me to discuss anything you need help with, whether in the programme or with your team. We also have two live sessions each month where you can check in and ask questions. Our monthly Q&A session will be recorded so you can submit questions and have them answered even if you can’t be there. Our monthly focus session will go into a specific issue in detail and there will be time to discuss the issue or anything else you need help with. We will also be there to cheer you on if you are struggling to work through the content. You will hear from us regularly as we encourage you to work through each of the modules.

I know how it can be difficult to make that commitment when you haven’t had a chance to try the programme first. I am so confident that you will get so much value from it but I get it. It’s like buying shoes online when you’ve never worn that brand before. The good news is that, if you complete at least two modules and decide you’re getting no value, we will refund your money in full. And you don’t need to take the shoes to the post office with the returns label. 😊

Are you ready to join us inside the Leadership Essentials Programme?